In honor of Mamma Kat's Writer's Workshop I am taking on Prompt #5: "Write about something mean you did to a sibling growing up". Being the youngest of two, it was my older sister who did things to me— so I turned it around a bit. Now— if only I could recall my far distant childhood enough to come up with a good one…
Being that my sister is five years older than I there really wasn't that "sibling rivalry" that you often see— but I hear that it is a given that older siblings will always do something to the younger one. Granted, my sister used to pin me down and tickle me until I nearly passed out once— but I think that there is one story that is particularly amusing.
Author's Note: This is my recollection of my sisters re-telling of this story— I don't exactly remember the events portrayed… not that they were traumatic— I just don't remember them (perhaps the Aliens took that memory from me for entertainment purposes).
Once when I was little I saw my sister eating a cookie. Not wanting to be left out I begged her to give me a cookie. I can just hear me… "give me a cookie, give me a cookie, give me a cookie…". Being the older sibling, she couldn't just give me a cookie— she had to make it extra special. So… she laced a cookie with Tabasco sauce and gave me the cookie.
I must have grabbed the cookie and shoved the whole thing in my mouth. I'm sure my look of satisfaction for getting the cookie quickly turned to horror as I felt my mouth burning up. I then proceeded to run around screaming "hot, hot, hot…" who knows how long that went on… or if she offered me something to drink and I refused… or if I went around wiping my tongue with my hands… or something else.
Interestingly I now love hot foods and can't get enough of them— so I guess I should thank my sister for exposing me to Tabasco so early in my childhood to prepare me for more spicy food ahead.

That is so awesome. How sweet of your sister to introduce you to something you now love. Just goes to prove that all big sisters (yes, me included) do nothing but look out for the well being of younger siblings.
Ha, ha. Love the line about the aliens.
This post reminds me of all the memories I have with my siblings, especially my younger brother, who is now my best friend.
Love it! I too was tormented with hot suace and love it now.
That is so funny!
My older cousin put my older brother in the dryer and turned it on!
The things we did as kids...
It makes me kind of scared for what my kids do when I'm not looking!
At least she did not sell you the cookie--that is what I would have done.
it is funny how similar these stories all are!
ok, i'll admit it. i did something mean to my baby sis. i'm ashamed to say i used to hold her down and let slobber ooze out of my mouth toward her face and then suck it back in before it actually dropped and hit her. it worked most of the time. so basically the poor child had no idea if she was gonna get spit on or not.
just think I was GOOD kid out of 5 and she was the baby. damn she must have had a hard time growing up with us :)
best part is...she still loves me!
LOL! Kids are so mean...
Nice of your sister to think of you.
As an older brother, I often thought of my little brother the same way. {*grin*}
Awwww that's so mean!!
I'm totally doing it to Laina at snack today. Thanks for the tip. ;)
That is such a cute story! LOL
Ok, so here is what really happened. (This is the Big Sister for real). Mom and Dad gave each of us 1 cookie before dinner. Usually not a good idea, but we were being so good that weekend (soon to be changed)we were allowed that wonderful, still warm from the oven, chocolate chip cookie. Chris gobbled his down in two seconds flat and while I was savoring my cookie my little brother started in on begging for mine. "Gimme gimme gimme" and if you know Chris he is RELENTLESS. Kind of like a bulldog on a porkchop when he wants something. So after being pestered nearly to death, I decided to lace it with Tabasco sauce to shut him up. It worked. The spanking I received was well worth it for the look on his face. And yes, he eats the hottest foods available. Start eating hot foods early kiddies and you too can enjoy Thai Chile Peppers like nobody's business.
Ouch! That's quite a story...My younger sister has a permanent scar on her forehead from when I poked a pencil in it. Funny this is I have no idea why. But I do remember doing it.
Big sisters are the best. And so is Tabasco sauce!
I love reading these sibling tales. Great stories!
What a wonderful brother/sister moment. My brother is 6.5 years my junior. In some ways I was more of a parent figure to him. But there was still some rivalry there at times. For some reason that's what tends to stick out in my head.
I once scratched him so hard I got skin under my fingernails. And did I feel bad? No I was just grossed out. Nice, huh?
Boy let me tell you about the time my sister (I'm the eldest by the way) came home from a friend's house (she was 12 I was 14 going on 15) and told me that I had to absolutely try out this fanspankingly delicious recipe her friend taught her. I was gullible enough to believe her so I tried her "Arabian Nights Eggs." It consisted of fried eggs topped with tabasco, vinegar, salt, sugar, lime, and ground chili peppers. I believed her because her friend was of Middle Eastern descent...and believed that people from the Middle East ate strange food. YUM right!!! I was such a fool. {*making an angry face*} So it was my younger sister that was mean to me. I know I're probably thinking how can this be? Well being the older sis...I had to take care of my sister but I could not absolutely under any circumstances play any prank on her or else I would not only get an earful but a spanking that would leave the back of my legs red for days. Not fair right???!!!
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