When Tuesday Tribute was created— I had an idea to do a spotlight on my followers. I thought… what a great way of promoting their blogs and give them credit for bearing with my narrative/technical-writer style of writing. I decided to write to those followers that I could and ask two questions so that their words could be a part of the post:
- What reason do you have for following my blog?
I know this may seem selfish, but I am curious what motivated you to sign up. - Why do you think that others follow your own blog?
I know why I do and will let you know in my post along with my impressions on what your blog is to me.
I realized that posting on all of my followers would be a very long post— so I am breaking it up into smaller manageable pieces.
- Hear what the first ten followers have to say.
- Hear what followers eleven through twenty have to say.
Note: the number of followers I have has increased from twenty-three to thirty since I started sending out the questionnaire… so I stopped sending it out after my 30th follower. Here is what the rest of the followers I sent the questions to have to say:
- Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy @ The Wise (*Young*) Mommy
Petra is the other half of "He Blogs, She Blogs" feature. I think I may have started following after seeing some of the comments that she left on Heinous' posts and was thoroughly entertained by her posts as well. Petra has a lot of wit in her posts and can be quite raw in her humor which makes it fun to read. Here is what Petra has to say:
- I believe you commented on my blog and I followed to check yours out to find that I enjoyed your insights.
- I am pretty sure that people follow my blog because they are interested in what I am going to talk about next. My subject matter can be fairly shocking and/or outrageous, so that keeps people coming back for more. I like to think that I also make people laugh, and that moms and dads can relate to me as a real-life working mother and wife.
- PreciseDisarray @ Why Yes, It is Precise Dissarray
This one I know I followed because they followed me. What was very interesting was that I found a blog that was just starting out. What I find interesting about this blog is that they have the same purpose for blogging as I do "emptying my head". They also have posted some interesting photos that may become a regular feature. Here is what PreciseDissarray has to say:
- I follow your blog because from what I have read, you seem real, more specifically, authentic. The voice that comes through in your writing is that of someone I could see spending an afternoon in a coffee shop conversing about everything. I sense laughter, compassion, intelligence and wisdom. There are so many people's blogs out there that I enjoy reading, but there are few writers that I would conclude wanting to be friends with, online and in person. In short, I feel fortunate to have stumbled upon your blog; a true diamond in the rough (rough being the bazillions of blogs out there!).
- It seems too early to tell as to why people will follow my blog. I have just a few entries and a few followers at this point, but I am honored that people have stopped in to read and decide to 'follow' me. I think that people across age, gender, background will be able to relate on some level over the topics I will write about. Particularly if there is a bias towards reading, photography, silliness and out side the box thinking. Nothing fancy or too dramatic will be found in my writing. Among the various places I write and network, I've never been a numbers person; ie, no need to collect thousands of 'friends' or 'followers' JUST for the sake of numbers. But it is nice to have people interested in my thoughts and I am looking forward to more exposure and subsequent exchanges. I seek connection and conversation across the world about anything. It is with my writing that I hope to draw people in, learn about them as well, but most importantly, a place to empty out and sort out the contents of my busy busy brain.
- Erin @ If You Give Mom a Moment
I followed this blog because Erin's comments are very thoughtful and I really like the title of the blog. Even though Erin is not that computer savy she still takes the time to write helpful posts on how to do things with your blog. Here is what Erin has to say:
- I had seen you around the blogosphere a couple of times, and when you commented on someone's blog, I realized you were a man. I must admit that intrigued me a little because in my little blogging world I had hardly seen any men who blog. I clicked over and liked what I saw. You are honest and serious, and you respond thoughtfully to our (commenters') questions. Like giving us a recipe for kick-butt chili. I love thoughtful people, and that is one of the main reasons I follow you.
- I can only assume that others follow my blog because they like what I have to say. I sincerely want to be myself on my blog. I am genuine and kind in real life, and I love making friends. I think (hope?) people can sense that, and that is why they come back.
- lagirl @ Sweet Tea
I followed this blog because they followed me— besides I like the title… who can't resist a bit of Sweet Tea from time to time. Here is what lagirl has to say:
- I follow you because it is an opportunity to actually learn something. I like your level-headed way of stating things clearly & consisely. Thanks!!
- I think they follow me because I am "typical"; they recognize themself in me. And, because I have such a lively cast of characters to do life with. I try to find humor in the "every day". I'm all about "being real".
- M@WHO @ Me, Myself, and Internet
I was surprised to find a comment about our dog from M@who. I then checked out who this person was and was thrilled to find out that it was my Step-son. I know from experience that he is very artistic and probably will be posting some amazing photos that he takes. If anything he will probably offer a different perspective on my comings and goings if any of his posts include me. Here's what M@WHO has to say:
- Other than being my Step-Father? No, You are one of the more intelligent people I know. It's too bad the family and I can't make the trip over there to see you and Mom, so it's nice hearing from you. I get pretty excited when I receive a new post from you. I also get to copy your recipes you blog about!
- So far I only have you and Tiff following now. One of the reasons Tiff said she would follow me was if I wrote a nice blog about her, just kidding. She's my wife, I like to think she would enjoy hearing what I have to say. For you……it always seemed like we could have a pretty good conversation about the most off the wall thing and be entertained. I hope to give the reader some entertainment in there life whenever they may read it. I like teaching and making people laugh, if I can make someone laugh in their stressful day it makes me feel good.
- smiles4u @ My Life Interrupted
I saw this person followed me so I followed— and am glad I did. Smiles4u has a very good way of telling a story and I find their posts to be a very good read. Here's what Smiles4u has to say:
- In answer to your first question as to why I follow your blog. I didn't find your blog until not too long ago and I think I found it after reading a comment you left on someones blog. I went back right away and read some of your past posts and I was hooked. I love that you write about a variety of things but most of all I love that you give me things to think about. Like when you wrote a series of posts on various ways of communicating…very interesting and thought provoking. I think you write really well and I love getting the male perspective on things.!
- As to why others follow my blog. My first instinct is to say, it's because I follow theirs and they are just being nice. I think it might be because I write about some things that others can relate to on this journey of life. I write about a wide variety of things from being a "mommy" once again to the grandchildren we are raising, letting go of my adult children, what it feels like to be in "mid-life", to deeper issues that have been a part of my life's journey. I just know I appreciate those that I have come to know through our blogs. I appreciate their supportive and insightful comments that they leave me.
- The Panic Room @ Pacing The Panic Room
When I saw this person followed me I looked at their blog and was hooked. I particularly like their tag line in their header. The Panic Room is a writer and a photographer which makes for a lot of interesting and entertaining posts.
- nonna @ nonnas nonsense
When I saw this person followed me I looked at their blog and found out that they recently moved— but the name has great alliteration to it so I followed. Nonna also has a picture blog so it appears that several photographers now follow me— go figure. Here is what nonna has to say:
- well, first i saw a few comments you have made on blogs i stalk, but what really did it was that you're in the HBSB competition. i think I've made a point of checking out all the competitors because i already followed a few of them. my blog roll has gotten quite large, so I'm trying to be pickier as i add, so kudos to you. ok, i also, just realized that i didn't really say anything about the fact that i think you're a good writer. i do. i think you are a major thinker and can express that better than most.
- i have a feeling that i get a lot of my followers because i comment most places i read and my comments are usually lengthy and hopefully funny. i hope, i keep my followers because they find me funny, flippant, quirky and very honest. sometimes, maybe, too honest but I'm not shy like that.
- Sumituptwice @ Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
When I saw this person followed me I looked at their profile and I realized that it was my Daughter-in-law, so I followed. Sumituptwice does not currently have any posts— but I look forward to hearing their perspective on things.
- Joanie @ Joanie's Random Rambling
When I looked at their profile I liked the name of their blog— so I followed. Here is what Joanie has to say:
- To answer question #1, as you know the reason I started to follow your blog is because of the "competition" to replace Heinous on He blogs, She Blogs. I was already following a few of the guys' blogs, so I thought I'd add the rest of you to my list and read what you have written and will write in the future. If I didn't find someone's blog interesting, I probably wouldn't have added it in the first place. I quickly read through a few of your posts and they are very interesting. I do need to go back and read them more carefully. Like Kevin at Irish Gumbo, some of your posts are more "deep" than a lot of the other bloggers and I like to take my time and read them slowly.
- As to question #2, I hope people follow my blog because they find it amusing and interesting. One person I know who follows my blog is my daughter, so I'm sometimes careful about what I write so I don't piss her off! And I personally know a few of my other followers as well. I do try to be as honest as I can be.
A huge thank you to all my followers. I am humbled by your responses and am thrilled to know you have chosen to connect to me by following my posts. In honor of your honor to me I have given you your own separate blog roll. I will be adding to this blog roll whenever someone new follows me. Even though I no longer send out the questionnaire— if you are a new follower and want to tell me your answers… feel free to do so.

Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.
I still love this idea you had!
It's so great getting to know you and the other bloggers you have touched!
this is great. If only there was more time in life to read more blogs...
I totally agree with Kristen. This is a great idea. If I wasn't so lazy I'd probably do the same with my loco's. And I'm not so sure I want to remind them they do follow me, what if they removed their names from my list?!
Thanks so much for the tribute! I am so glad I found you and can't wait for your guest post on HBSB!
I will go over and visit some of your other followers.
Thanks, Ca-Joh!
I don't know how I missed this opportunity to blab a bit. Duh!
What reason do you have for following my blog?
I follow you because it is an opportunity to actually learn something. I like your level-headed way of stating things clearly & consisely. Thanks!!
Why do you think that others follow your own blog?
I think they follow me because I am "typical"; they recognize themself in me. And, because I have such a lively cast of characters to do life with. I try to find humor in the "every day". I'm all about "being real".
I'm glad you take the time to follow me, Ca-joh!!
Even though it's come to an end, I love this idea! Happy Mardi Gras
I also think this was a clever and fun idea.
Am I following your blog? I thought I was getting pulled along by a current of unknown origin!
Okay ... I'm following ... I finally just stood up in the wave. I loved the insight in your post today though.
This was really fun! Thanks for taking the time to put this together.
i feel like i've won an award or something to be included in this post. i keep thinking whew, i just made the top 30! lol it's either funny or sad how "special" i felt being showcased and reading about why you followed me. thanks for taking the extra effort to go to my new site and i'm glad my title tickled your interest enough to pull you in.
A lovely idea to open bloggers to new bloggy buddies! What a great Tuesday's Tribute!
I love these posts!
Great idea. Off to check out the other 20.
I'm ashamed to admit I'm mostly a lurker - I'll remedy that right now. I'm afraid I don't get a chance to make the rounds like I used to. Youngest has given up napping. Totally kills the blog time.
I like your Daughter-in-law right off the bat ;-)
I am glad I came across this today. I was one of your first followers..i guess you didn't poll me because I am so far back...however I follow because when I first came across you it was such a great read. I love your posts, and your perspectives. Now...why do you follow me?
Great and very fun post...fun to read the responses you got.
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