Friday, April 2, 2010

The Cookie Never Lies

Today I have the pleasure of having Jen @ Steenky Bee. Normally I would have Friday's Feast, but this takes the cake (Or cookie as the case may be) and makes a great substitute:

This past weekend our family ordered Chinese take-out from one of our favorite restaurants. I was thrilled because I hadn't eaten Chinese food in well over a year. This wasn't because I had been avoiding it in any way, it's just one of those things that sort of slips your mind, like sending your guest post in a timely manner to a gracious host named Ca-Joh (Ahem.).

Back to the Chinese food… Have no worries, once I sunk my teeth into the #12 Beef with Broccoli, I completely rearranged my priorities and have decided I will be partaking in the tasty Asian cuisine more often. It's all about setting goals, people.

But this guest post isn't about the beef with broccoli, or even the to-die-for hot and sour soup that came with it. No, this here post is all about what my husband and I found in our fortune cookies after the meal. Let's have a look, shall we?

Honestly folks, I couldn't have made this up, even if I tried.

Also? The images you're about to see mark the only time in the history of my blogging career that my husband Jeremy, shouted, "Oh! You definitely have to blog about THIS."

Let's have a look shall we? Witness the first fortune pulled from my husband's cookie:

Sorry about the blurriness. In case you can't clearly read the fortune, it says, "The evening promises romantic interests."

Cue the devious smile from Jeremy followed by raised eyebrows followed by, "Eh? EH! Look at what we have here!"

Then it was my turn. Feast your eyes on this:

It clearly says, "Forget all that wishful thinking and be practical."

Cue knee slapping and vicious finger pointing from me to Jeremy while shouting, "Not so fast Romeo!"

Aaaaannnnnnd SCENE.

That's my name. Don't wear it out.


Joanie said...

Hahaha!!! I love fortune cookies! and Chinese food!

Michele said...

Nice slap down.

Unknown said...

lol-love it. very funny.

Loved ur blog-I followed. Please pass by mine and maybe follow?


Miriam said...

BAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAA!!! P.S. Me and my friends always end reading our fortune cookies with the phrase "in bed" or "in the bedroom"...Chinese food was never so fun!

Captain Dumbass said...

The universe can be cruel.

Anonymous said...

Ha, Can I borrow those fortunes sometime??

Mrsbear said...

The fortune cookie totally psyched Jeremy out.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Those fortunes were priceless!! :)

Jenni said...

Love it!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

The boys in the kitchen probably did that on purpose, and silently watched as you opened your cookies. Too funny!!

Anonymous said...


Khadra said...

That's too funny!

The Mayor said...

Steenky, The hankering for some Chinese NEVER just slips ones mind. There must be an underlying psychological explanation for that.

I lived somewhere for a couple years where decent Chinese food could not be had. It was a very very sad place.

Linda Rogers said...

Jen and Jeremy-Sounds like the fortune cookie is keepin the relationship REAL. Haha

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