Thursday, February 12, 2009

Writer's Workshop: Artichoke Quesadillas

In honor of Mamma Kat's Writer's Workshop I am taking on Prompt #4: "I'm hungry. Share your very favorite recipe!!" I don't know how "favorite" this is since I only made it once, but here you go:

With inspirations from Lester

A few weeks back when my sister-in-law came to visit— my nephew and I decided to improvise and made lunch for everybody. Since my sister-in-law was allergic to dairy I opted to make some quesadillas sans the cheese. Here is what I came up with:

Artichoke Quesadillas:
1 16oz Can or jar of Artichoke hearts
1 Clove Garlic
1 Sprig Rosemary
2T Olive Oil
1 large frying pan
Peanut Oil
1 Package of medium tortilla shells
  1. Add the Artichoke, Rosemary, and Garlic to a food processor.
  2. Mix on low— adding the Olive Oil until it looks like a pesto
    you can store this for later if you choose
  3. On high heat— add enough peanut oil to glaze the pan.
  4. Add two tortilla shells to the pan and cook on one side.
  5. Flip one over and add some of the artichoke mixture.
  6. Take the other and lay it on top of the first
    heated side down.
  7. Flip the sandwiched quesadilla over and cook the other side.
  8. Remove from the heat
    repeat as necessary.
  9. Cut into halves or quarters if you choose.
  10. Enjoy.


Debbie said...

Yum. I love artichokes and have a yard full of Rosemary. This looks perfect for me.

Deb said...

growing up, i would request artichokes for my birthday dinner every year. this recipe sounds awesome, and pretty easy if you have the ingredients on hand.

Anonymous said...

That's sounds good. I love artichokes with angelhair pasta, I might have to try this one!

Eternal Lizdom said...

I love artichokes!! This would be awesome with the Parmesan Garlic Artichoke Dip I made Superbowl Sunday. I might have to plan an entire artichoke meal!!

I'd love to add parmesan cheese to this quesadilla recipe!

Mama Wheaton said...

I need to learn to step out of the normal with quesdiallas(sp). You were so creative in coming up with something new and different. You didn't say but I gather it went over great?

Llama Wanderings said...

Everyone I know LOVES artichoke hearts. I can honestly say that I have never had one. I LOVE eating artichokes dipped in some yummy melted butter goodness, but I can never eat enough of one to get to the heart. My husband always finishes my artichoke and eats the heart, because he knows it's such a 'hardship' to do this for his wife! ;) I look at the canned ones in the store sometimes and just feel weird about buying them, I can't explain it. It's kinda like buying canned chicken hearts or something to me. Weird, yes, I know. But such as it is I have never had them.

Erin said...

Mmmmm. That sounds so good. Thanks for the recipe!

Anonymous said...

It all sounds good to me, but the artichokes. Can't stand them. But makes me wonder what I could subsitute for them. Rosemary rocks.

Anonymous said...

I've never tried an artichoke before. These sound great!

Anonymous said...

that sounds delicious, i wonder if i can get my husband to eat it....maybe i can make his and hers quesadillas :)

Lori said...

Since I love Artichokes and quesadillas, I will have to try making these...may add some cheese to them too.

The Wife O Riley said...

Mmmmm...sounds great! I'll have to try these. Thanks for the recipe and the wiget for the Johnny Depp movie!

Melanie Jacobson said...

Oh, my gosh, this sounds so good. I should tell you my pita pizza recipe, except I do a different version every day!

Aracely said...

Sounds yummy CJ, I'm not gutsy enough to improvise and try new things. Have you ever been to any of Rick Bayless's restaurants? He's my favorite chef.

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