Monday, March 23, 2009

Spin Cycle: Radio Head

In honor of the Spin Cycle by Sprite's Keeper— I have decided to place my spin on this weeks assignment— Quirks:

Life is one long song… and I'm always singing it

All throughout my life I have always loved to sing. Ask anybody who knows me and they will tell you that I am typically singing something all the time. My mother commented once that she heard me singing out loud when I was walking home from school and could hear me several blocks away and knew I was on my way home. This in itself is not unusual— I know several people who love to sing and sing often. What makes it a quirk is that I tend to sing phrases or parodies based upon situations that I encounter.

Much like singing Homeward Bound by Simon & Garfunkel whenever I am making my way home from the office… there are several other triggers that prompt a song.

When I was working for a library automation software company there was a new format for libary records called ULIF. The software that we supported had no way of exporting in ULIF format, so someone developed a conversion program to convert batch exports from our program called Bat2ULIF. Don't know why I had to sing the song Working my way back to you by The Spinners… "I'm working my way Bat2ULIF"— but I did. Or everytime I hear about the ACUTA conference— I start singing Barracuda by Heart.

Because of this unusual quirk, I tend to call myself a "Radio Head" because I can quote songs from the radio at a drop of a hat for no apparent reason. So the next time you are visiting my home— poke your head into the kitchen while I'm doing dishes and have a listen… who needs a radio when you can have CaJoh.


SweetPeaSurry said...

When I was in highschool, if a friend or someone nearby me said a phrase that happened to also be lyrics to a song (or close to that) I would bust out into that song, right then and there. It was pretty funny for a while, then my friends eventually told me I needed to cut it out!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't quote music overly well but I always have music on wherever I am. The only place I'm willing to sing out loud is my car and then only if I'm alone or the preschooler's in the back. I can't sing to save my life.

Sprite's Keeper said...

My husband is the same way. He'll pull a song from memory like no one's business and be able to pluck it out on the piano in minutes.
I tend to group life into musical numbers. Every time I pass the local AIG office, the song "No One Mourns the Wicked" from the musical "Wicked" immediately enters my head and I can't get it out for hours.
I think this is a great quirk! You're linked!

Otter Thomas said...

A fraternity brother in college had a girl friend named Sarah Kuda. Need I say more.

Erin said...

I wish I had that talent!!

Ms. Salti said...

Nice! I love to sing but I'm not witty enough to do what you do. I'm sure it's very entertaining for your family, and that's all that really matters!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could tune into your frequency through my radio then!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

We talk in music language around here too. We just can't help ourselves and it drives my kids nuts! lol!

Camille said...

Ha! Too funny. It reminds me of how my grandpa would always sing "Goin' Home," in a tinney southern drawl every time he was...well...going home.

Anonymous said...

Now that's cute...not quirky!

Goob said...

Just this weekend when I observed my husband wearing sunglasses inside, I couldn't help but ask him "is your future so bright you gotta wear shades?
I think your examples of how you quirk the songs up is not only classic, but hilarious, I would totally do the same thing. In

Deb said...

word play like you describe is a sign of high intelligence (aren't you lucky?) ... did you know that? also, making puns, etc. which i KNOW you do well, too!

my youngest (who, like you, writes poems) does the same thing with songs. and, he's very punny.

D.M. Wright said...

That is so cute! I love singers. Every time hubby plays World of Warcraft, there is this sound that reminds me of the song "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin. So then it gets stuck in my head and I start singing it. And then Hubby says, irritated, "Why do you sing that song every time I play this game?!" I just shrug.

Laufa said...

You and my hubby would get along great. He "can name that song", whenever one is playing. He says he hates country, but he knows titles and artists of the songs and sometimes even all the words (his Dad lives in Oklahoma)

Sammanthia said...

I love music and I can name almost any song someone throws at me. I just choose not to sing them. Trust me, it's better that way.

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