Sunday, January 4, 2009

Moving without moving

One day while I was driving my wife turns to me and says: "look at me…" at which point she freezes with her eyes wide and her mouth half open then says: "I'm moving without moving!" At the time it seemed very much in jest— but I am amazed as to how profound she actually was. Besides the fact that we were driving along while she froze her pose— there was a lot of other moving without moving going on.

Even if we stopped and she froze her pose, you have to realize that the earth is rotating. Then you have to take into consideration that the earth is orbiting around the sun— the solar system is orbiting around the center of the galaxy— the galaxy is moving relative to the super-cluster— the super-cluster is moving relative to other super-clusters and the overall shape of the universe. And if you believe in the concept of multiverse, our universe is moving relative to other universes. That's a lot of movement… but wait there's more…

All of the blood in her posed body is moving around the body nourishing the cells which are growing constantly. The blood itself is made of molecules which move around within the cell walls of the blood cell— the molecules are made of atoms which move within the molecule— the atoms are made of sub-atomic particles which move about within the atom… etc., etc. And if you believe in the cyclical nature of things— then those sub-sub-atomic particles could also be universes… things that make you go hmmm.

So… no matter how hard you try you will always be moving without moving. My wife and I heard the term "stillness illness" which is the nauseous feeling you get when you have been moving for a long time then stop. I wonder what would happen if everything really did stop moving— how ill we all would be…


Sarah's Blogtastic Adventures said...

I like this post. It reminds me of when you tell little kids to stand still and don't move and you can see on their face that it is almost painful for them to be still after soo much movement! : )

Jo said...

Hmm, interesting to think about. Rather like a koan. Although since momentum is happening, I think things would fly if any one thing stopped.

Lee said...

I don't think you would like the answer!

Tabitha Blue said...

Very interesting and great to think about!! Good insight, thanks!!


Aracely said...

I get stillness illness when I hop off of the treadmill.

Great post.

Anonymous said...

(I saw the title and thought maybe you were getting new carpet ... needing to pack up and move everything back into your same house. Sorry--flashbacks.)

That is interesting to think about. If everything were to stand still, we'd need it to happen gradually or we'd crash or keep going ourselves. I'm not sure we WOULD like it very much. BUt then again, are astronauts ever in a spot where they are not moving (except their insides)? Maybe not. I guess everything they'd be on would itself be in orbit, correct? Do they ever just float in space? Even for a second? Hm. Good one. Good to be back!

Anonymous said...

Your moving post actually gave me the chills - then inner stillness. Wait... it still is...

Seriously, if everything really did stop moving, we'd all trip. So things can't all stop moving since to trip it to move, to move to trip - ah, there's the rub. (Shakespeare...)

Anonymous said...

The big picture like this sure puts everything back into perspective.

Mama Wheaton said...

I never really gave too much thought to all the movement in the universe and how it all affects me. You would think though that with all that movement I would lose weight easier!

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