Thursday, July 16, 2009

Spin Cycle: My Workout World

In honor of the Spin Cycle by Sprite's Keeper— I have decided to place my spin this weeks assignment of Routine:

When I was in college I began working out on a regular basis. At the time I could work out just after classes and just before dinner. Interestingly this afternoon time (4:00PM) is the ideal time to work out. I also heard that it is the ideal time to take a nap as well, but I tended to ignore that statement. Unfortunately my current work schedule does not allow me to work out at that time, so I choose to work out before work.

When I work out I tend to rotate what exercises I do. In an ideal workout, I would do free-weights on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays— and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I would swim.

For my free-weight exercises I would go one week concentrating on chest and back, then the following week I would concentrate on arms. When I swim I tend to do what I call backs and boards— which means that I would only do back floats and use the kick-board. My wife asked me why I do not do the breast-stroke or the crawl when I swim. I told her that I don't like getting my head wet when I swim… she joked that I should put a plastic bag over my head… "That'll keep the water out" I joked back.

Lately I have not been working out as much, but I am sure that when I get into the routine of going every day during the week I will be able to follow my workout plan and eventually feel more fit.

small cycle


Sprite's Keeper said...

That makes perfect sense. After joining the gym, I quickly established a routine for the sole purpose of not falling short of my expectations. I figure if I miss just ONE class, I will quickly fall into the habit of saying, "Eh, too tired today" and lose the battle. Great Spin! You're linked!

Barbaloot said...

When I was training for my half marathon I was really good about getting up early to run. Then, daylight savings hit and I still have not recovered! I just have to content myself with evening work-outs at this point:)

Krystal said...

ahh, I remember those days of working out and following a routine - now, my work out consists of being dragged by the dog down the street and corraling my children to their rooms at bed time!

Mama Badger said...

I miss this kind of routine. I keep promising myself that I'll make some time, but sleep seems so much more important (see the 4:00 naptime thing works for me!).

I completely understand the wet head thing. If I was meant to be underwater, I'd have been born a fish...

Bill Lisleman said...

"don't like getting my head wet when I swim"
Don't take offense but that sounds strange to me. I guess you don't snorkel. I think being under the water is better than on top.

Shangrila said...

I am always impressed by people that exercise routinely! Could you sneeze on me, please?

Pseudo said...

I'm impressed. I have not been to a gym in 20 years.

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