Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Mo-versary

As many of you are familiar with the story of how I met my wife— my wife and I met on a Sunday. For all the years that I dated, I never went steady with anybody for more than three months. I must have told my now wife this while we were dating because after we had been going out for four months we went out to celebrate our four month mo-versary.

We went to Green Dolphin Street and had dinner there. At one point during dinner she gave me a card which wished me a happy four months together and wishing many more to come.

Given that I met my wife when I was 29 and didn't get married until I was 32— it didn't seem likely to us that we would be celebrating our 75th wedding anniversary together. So I figured if we can't celebrate the number of years we were married… why not celebrate the many months that we have known each other.

So to my wife— Here is wishing you a very happy 150th Mo-versary, and wishing you many happy more to come.


The Wife O Riley said...

Happy Mo-versary!

There aren't too many people who will be celebrating the 75th year. Unless they got married when they were 5. Every moment counts.

Halftime Lessons said...

Nice idea Chris...albeit potentially expensive...what are you gonna get her for the big 151 next month?



Anonymous said...

What a sweet post. Happy 150 Months :)

Mama Wheaton said...

That's so romantic! Happy Anniversary!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Very sweet!! Happy Mo-versary!

Anonymous said...

That's a great story!!
Congrat's on your

Deb said...

now did she have to make the card or did she actually find one pre-made???

happy mo-versary!

Melanie Jacobson said...

I know how old you are. It's the screen saver on my husband's computer.

Jo said...

150 months seems like a very long time! I just did the math, my hubby and I? 343 months. Wow.

Anonymous said...

happy 150th! very sweet and romantic :)

on a side note, looking back through your past posts i noticed there were a lot i read but didn't comment on. this is very unusual for me and i wondered why it was so. i think i figured it out. i'm very much the smart a$$ and usually comment as such. your posts are often deep and of the soul searching type. for some reason that inhibits my natural smart aleck-ism. just wanted you to know that i am reading them all and enjoying them even if i don't comment on them :)

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