Friday, March 13, 2009

F2: An Introduction to Friday's Feast

Some of you may have heard me mention that I would like to develop my own recurring feature post. Well… here is my attempt at doing something on a regular basis and having everybody join in the fun. I call this feature: "Friday's Feast".

The whole idea behind Friday's Feast is to promote all things food. The way that you can join in the feast is as follows:

Every Friday I will post a topic for the following weeks post. If you want to participate in that next week's Feast, just leave a comment and be sure to include a direct link to your post. I will then gather up the links and put them in that next post. The best part of this is that you can leave a comment at any time (even after the next week's post has been posted)— as well as linking to any post that you have written (even if it was from long ago, or in the future).

Some broad topics that I have thought of are:

  • Celebrity chefs
  • Cooking disasters
  • Cooking shows
  • Favorite and/or not so favorite foods
  • Food allergies
  • Food commercials you love and/or hate
  • Food facts
  • Product placement
  • Recipes
  • Restaurant reviews
  • Stories about eating

… and the list goes on and on. Hopefully that will give you some idea as to the kinds of topics we will cover. I always welcome more ideas, so leave a comment to let me know if there is any other topic that you would like to use.

Speaking of participation… if you want to show your badge of courage and flaunt your participation— I have created a cruel badge that you can use. Just snag the code from the sidebar on the right or at the bottom of this post. If anybody wants to create one for me I would be eternally grateful. What I'm looking for is something that looks like two chunks of food shaped like the letter F frying in a pan. The more appetizing and real looking the better.

Since I love uniqueness— I will be using the abbreviation F2: instead of FF: and I encourage you to do the same. I want to use this abbreviation mostly because there are a lot of double letter memes out there that use FF: (Friday Fun, Freaky Friday, Far-out Friday, Fantastic Friday, etc., etc.)… and I want this one to be quickly found when you do a search. Of course, you can also use Friday's Feast: in your title if you choose.

I haven't yet determined when I'll be posting my posts. Most likely I'll be scheduling my posts to occur Friday at midnight Central Time so you can wake up on Friday and start planing your weekend.


The Panic Room said...

F2 I like it. Good luck with this.

Deb said...

oh this could be lots of fun! i can do food!

great idea...

Anonymous said...

Love your Jellybean background!! And I love eating food and talking about food. Sounds like a great idea, Cah-Joh!

Otter Thomas said...

Sounds like a good idea. I have never written about food. I sure do like to cook it and eat it though.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Sounds fun. I'm always down with food stuff!

Mama Wheaton said...

Sounds like fun. Love your new background.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I like the F2 idea! Food right before the weekend!!! This will be fun!

Claremont First Ward said...

SOunds like lots of fun. I love how you've designated your Friday as F2.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a great idea. I'll be sure to bring my appetite and check back on Fridays!

Vodka Mom said...

sounds like fun!!!

Good luck..........and love the new look.

SweetPeaSurry said...

Yeah ... so I could probably do a weekly post about some type of food. I usually cook at least one of the recipes I post every week. I could do something on that. FOOD RAWKS!!!

B said...

maybe you should try to make your food in the frying pan look like pancakes. Not that I would know how, but I remember having my dad do letter pancakes for us as kids.

This is a great idea too. I think I missed this post originally, but I'm glad I caught on to what is going on!

Anonymous said...

i like the idea but, i'm already doing the friday fragments from Mrs. 4444 (you gotta read her if you don't already)
what i'm wondering is, would it be ok if i just do my f2 in your comments on fridays?

Amy W said...

Oh, yeah.... F2! I can't believe that you even put together a linky for this!! I am SUCH a loser. ;-)

Beverly@Beverly's Back Porch said... This sounds like too much fun. Count me in.

Beverly@Beverly's Back Porch said...

If there is anything special you are looking for I have hundreds of really good recipes. I especially like old recipes from chefs no longer living or have retired or old family recipes. Thanks again see you tomorrow. Link me up.

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