Friday, March 20, 2009

F2: Artichoke Spaghetti Sauce

Welcome to Friday's Feast. Today I will be presenting you with one of my many inspired recipes. If you don't know what Friday's Feast is all about, please read the Friday's Feast page for a more detailed explanation. If you want to join in on the feast, be sure to leave a comment and include the URL to your post so I and others can know of your contribution.

With inspirations from the 3 R's

I had a can of artichoke hearts that I wanted to make into a dip— but never got round to making. I didn't have any burger meat thawed so I chose to use artichoke instead of meat in the sauce. Knowing the world— I probably have the ounces wrong on the cans and jars… but you get the picture (or at least the sauce). This should cover about 4 servings. Enjoy.

Artichoke Spaghetti Sauce:
2T Olive Oil
1 Yellow Onion
1 Clove Garlic
1 Large Can Crushed Tomato (28oz)
1 16oz Can or jar of Artichoke hearts
  1. On Medium Heat, cover the bottom of a medium sauce pan with Olive Oil
  2. Chop the onion and Garlic and add to pan.
  3. Once the onions are transparent, add the can of Crushed Tomato.
  4. Add the entire can or jar of Artichoke
    do not drain.
  5. Break down the Artichoke pieces in the pan.
    You can use a potato masher if you choose.
  6. Simmer on Low and add Oregano and Salt to taste.
  7. Enjoy with your favorite pasta.


Anonymous said...

That sounds yummy! I already have two events on the blog today but I'll be sure to play along next week. I love finding new things to make.

Erin said...

That sounds so good! I can't believe I never thought of artichokes in spaghetti sauce.

The jellybeans are great too. Now I'm craving sugar :)

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I love artichokes and this looks so easy! I think I will give this whirl over the weekend!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say I made this tonight for dinner and it was fantastic! I think I found a new favorite meal. Thanks for the recipe.

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