Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Do you know what this means…

  1. It means… Blogger lies to you and makes you nervous.
  2. It means… This is actually my 91st post.
  3. It means… I have WAY too many drafts.
  4. It means… I have to be very careful when I post from now on.
  5. It means… I can't believe I wrote that many posts.
  6. It means… I created this post just to get that number.
  7. It means… Aloha (a whole lot more than hi).
  8. It means… my 100th post is coming soon.
  9. It means… be scared… be very scared.
  10. It means… ya'll come back now ya'hear


Aracely said...

I definitely will be, I'm sure it will be fun.

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Woo hoo 100! Congrats. I just past the 200 mark and didnt notice. I think that means Im more addicted to blogging that I thought.

Anonymous said...

Happy 100! It kinda sneaks up on you doesn't it?

Deb said...

so you have drafts, too?? i guess i am the only one that blogs in real time. maybe that's why most of your posts have substance and most of mine... well, let's just leave it at that.

congrats (soon).

B said...

I love these meanings. Bring on the next 100!

Joanie said...

My 100th is coming up too and I have it ready. (went quicker than I thought!) Congrats on 100!

Debbie said...

I have a lot of drafts too! That number can be confusing.

in time out said...

FUN. Thanks for sharing such a fun post. Got me thinking. Congrats on the ALMOST 100 posts...I had to look...I am at 215...VERY SCARY. I didn't know I post that often. wow. hugs. and good luck with a fun 100 day post...

Kristen said...

I'll be back...I'm not scarred.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I am all giddy with excitement now! I'll be back. (said in my Terminator voice)

Anonymous said...

Well, congratulations on you 91st post. Here's looking forward to the next 91. 182 posts, that WILL be something!

Unknown said...

It means no congratulations are in order...yet?

Llama Wanderings said...

I will have to check out my number of posts too then! Didn't realize blogger lied! :D

Have a great day, and soon 100th blog posting!

Sprite's Keeper said...

I have over 500 posts counting the drafts. This means I have unleashed a lot of crap on the Internet at large. Clean up will be expensive..

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

OK, I will be back!

Anonymous said...

Scarred? As in my skin has scars? Oh no!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Yahoo to you!!

Wendyburd1 said...

Yay, I wish I had more drafts, besides music videos or Miss Swan and Stewart, LOL. I USED to but used them up and I feel lazy right now. LOL

Anonymous said...


do dut do. Hmmmmm.
do wopa ditty,ditty...

We're waiting. . .

"Number 100, where R U?"

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