In honor of Mamma Kat's Writer's Workshop I am taking on Prompt #2:
- Normal is…
… just a word made by people to help point out our differences. If we begin to understand that everybody is different, then we cannot fully comprehend what "Normal" is. We could get overly technical and insist that it "falls within given parameters" but even that requires some sort of quantification.
I do not think that if people want us to be unique they use a term such as Normal to describe themselves and others. I like using the term average rather than normal to describe myself. There really isn't anything that stands out with me— either good or bad. If not standing out is considered normal, than that is what I am as well.
Hey— what are you planning on doing with that axe… what do you mean I have to get off my soap box now…

We all have our own definitions of normal and probably average as well. I just want everyone to be happy with who they are :)
Great post!
I always used to say Normal is a city near Bloomington, Il.
Probably not as funny if youre not from there! : )
Normal or average - either or. I think they are the same but it can look different depending on where you are looking from.
I joined in this week and found this was a fun exercise!
I say nothing is normal.
Normal is subjectively impossible, and thus, realistically impossible...What did I just say?
A friend of mine had a brother that was a dwarf. His mother always stressed using the term average height versus normal height.
Not a fan of the word just seems wrong in so many ways...fantastic post!
I've never been sure what normal is, I'm not even sure I've met normal.
I like your take on normal. I have been known to say things like..."Normal? What's normal?" and "There's no fun in being normal."
I totally agree with your take on "normal" and "average". If I say that I'm "normal" then it seems to inquire that everyone who is not like me is "abnormal", which makes it a insinuated insult. Ya think?
My brain's beginning to ache. This is way too deep for me, Ca-Joh. Good brain stimuli!
Average is much, much better!
I always say I'm just an average guy
This is one of my fave phrases " normal people worry me", and they do! I like the abnormal people such as myself. More interesting I say!!
I love that first line! Soooo well put!
Yeah, I am pretty sure I am not normal OR average, so it's all a moot point. lol
I have a mentally retarded daughter. It drives me crazy when non-special ed programs, whether academic or sports or whatever, are called normal. "They're on a normal team." That's a normal class."
My kid is normal, if there is such a thing. As normal as I am anyway. She is who she is, label or no. We all of us have our struggles in life. Hers are with learning, and sensory integration. But we have strengths, too. She is a super nurturer and full of faith.
I think that you are well above average. But I think normal is a necessary gauge.
I know I am not the poster child of normal to be sure. If we were all "normal" wouldn't that be a boring world to live in? I enjoyed your perspective very much. Thanks again for the new photo. I will use it.
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