Saturday, May 16, 2009

BOOB: 05-17 through 05-25

I like the abbreviation OOTO— or "Out Of The Office" (prounoucned Ooo-Toe) used to indicate that you will be out of the office. Since that abbreviation doesn't fit for blogging, I tried to come up with a different one. At first I thought I'd use POOP (Presently Out Of Pocket)— but that seems to indicate that I will be posting crap this comming week. Not to challenge my PG13 rating… but BOOB seems to be more fitting (Being Out Of Blogging)— so I'll use that for today's post title (perhaps it will also bring in more traffic).

As I just eluded to… I will be away this next week on vacation. I am going to go to Yosemite with my Sister and Brother In-Law who gave us round trip Air fare and Accommodations as a 10 year Anniversary gift. My wife and I will be flying out to LA to meet up with them, then we will be driving to Yosemite, spending a few days there, drive back to LA then fly back home.

I hate to leave you hanging, so I have scheduled a few posts to keep you happy… in fact this next Sunday (May 24) is my bogiversary— so stay tuned. Next week I will be talking about the birth of this blog and how it came about. I will still have my Friday's Feast— so you Feasters be sure to link up so I can enjoy in the feast when I return.

Speaking of when I return— I plan on NOT reading all the posts in my reader when I return. I will be hitting the "mark all as read" button and moving on. The only exception to this is if you say something about me in your blog and you want me to either defend myself or know about it. If that is the case— be sure to e-mail me and send me a link to your post so I can read it and not offend you without knowing.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,


in time out said...

...I am posting SEVEN wordless wednesday, on SATURDAY!!! along...can you guess. starting at 9am....every hour...♥ post

Erin said...

I definitely wondered what BOOB was about. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

BOOB, that's great.

Have a wonderful trip!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Have a wonderful time!!! Enjoy! And HAPPY ANNIVERSARRRRRRYYYYY!!!

Claremont First Ward said...

Have a great trip!

SweetPeaSurry said...

hey ... I hope you have a TERRIF time on vacay!!! I think I've got the hang of this Friday's Feast thing now. He he he!

bright blessings and safe travels


Unknown said...

Have a wonderful vacation and Happy Anniversary to you and your wife.

Like the BOOB!

Deb said...

have a great time... it sounds like it is going to be such a fun trip.

i promise not to talk about you in my blog while you're gone. it will be so liberating for you to just hit "mark all as read" to the 5,434,678 posts that will be awaiting your return.

can't wait to hear all about it!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Nice to meet you!! I love Yosemite, just went last month. Visiting from Confessions of a Blogaholic.

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