Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spin Cycle: Standards and Morals

Throughout the time when I was single I kept hearing phrases such as: "You can't go out with her, she's got too high of standards", or "They must have pretty low morals to go out with them" All of these phrases created a way of categorizing and labeling people. Even though I never liked labeling, I can see how they were used.

Standards are how we set the bar as to who we will know and/or go out with. Depending upon who you want to know will determine what your standards are. Morals are how willing we are to do something. The lower the morals, the more likely you will do it.

These phrases were then grouped together as a way of justifying stereotypes:

High Morals & High Standards
This is the kind of person who are saving themselves for Cinderella or Prince Charming.
High Morals & Low Standards
This is the kind of person who is willing to know anybody, but is also straight laced.
Low Morals & High Standards
This is the kind of person who could do anything, but only with someone special.
Low Morals & Low Standards
This is the kind of person who would do anything with anybody.

As I have grown older, I have realized that things are not as cut and dry, or as black and white as that and that people have different morals and standards based upon the situation that they are in. You may be willing to hug everybody, but does that make you someone with Low Morals & Low Standards.

small cycle


Anonymous said...

Ah! The shades of gray. They're everywhere. And some are darker shades than others.

And yes, it's tricky.

I always wanted to be the one who accepts all but is still straight laced. Cuz me no likey hypocrites.

Sprite's Keeper said...

What a way to put it! I've never looked at it broken down before. I would think I have high morals and low standards, althouh my husband is proof of high standards. Maybe I just got lucky?
You're linked!

That gentleman's lady said...

Oh yikes :D

I'm picky sometimes. I'd like to think that I could be friends with most people though.

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