Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute: Changes

The more things change— the more they stay the same…

In honor of Tuesday's Tribute I am tipping my hat to those things which change. As some of you already know, Jay over at Halftime Lessons has taken a leave of absence and has passed the hat over to Angie over at SevEn cLoWn CirCuS. So, in order to keep the tradition alive I thought I would point out some changes in the blogging world.

I noticed that the Blog Stalkers Unite will be closing its doors. Any of you who have visited the site may have used this site to find other blogs to read— I know I have. The good news is that there is a similar blog to take its place called Confessions… of a blogaholic where you can go and be listed amongst the other Blogaholics through the Blogaholics Community site. The format is very similar to Blog Stalkers Unite, but is different in that there are categories where you can be listed. If you are new to the blogging world and want to find other interesting blogs to read, you can go there to find something. Also, if you want others to be able to find you who normally would not otherwise, then sign up to be listed. It is all very new, so you may need to be patient as the site just starts out.

Tuesday's Tribute


Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. I love Seven Clown, Angie's great!

Deb said...

isn't it amazing how many blogs are out there? i have never even heard of blog stalkers unite (so you can imagine, i am not going to miss them too terribly). sounds like it was a good resource, though. i feel like the blogworld is one giant venn diagram.

Anonymous said...

I no longer search out new blogs. I am not opposed to reading new ones that I am referred to or who come read me, but I am overloaded with my current reading list. But these sites are a good idea especially when you're new to the community.

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

Good info. I have slowed on searching for new material unless someone I trust like yourself or Deb or my close friend Jay and Amy at Bitchin wives club tells me about one that I just must read.

annies home said...

thanks for the great tip

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Great idea! Thanks for the heads-up on the other site. I'll be checking it out, although I think I already have...but I don't remember anything, except to change my underwear, and even that is suffering.

Otter Thomas said...

Thanks for the tip. I am going to check it out.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Cool, thanks for the link!

Claremont First Ward said...

What a great resource! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Seems that change is afoot all around the land of Blog these days...lots of blog funk too...

I couldn't get David Bowie's "Changes" out of my mind from the minute I started reading your post!

Unknown said...

Checked em out, not fair, you have your own category all to yourself.

MakingChanges said...

Hey, thanks for the suggestion on where to find more bloggers. I am totally an addict!

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