Monday, April 13, 2009

That happened at my wedding too

Supermommy over at Three Boys One Mommy has a wedding meme going on and I thought I would participate. I am hoping that I can have a series written up about our wedding day and include pictures— but I think I will wait till closer to the day to do so. Meanwhile I thought I would share in the wedding meme by mentioning some wedding disasters I have seen first hand.

I have noticed that at many weddings I have attended that there are certain situations and/or people that usually accompany those weddings. I would have highlighted those things that happened at my wedding, but I figured I would just list them (even if they didn't happen at my wedding) so you can say it happened at your wedding too.

I will try my best at listing them in the order of the ceremony as well as be discrete so as not to offend too much. Much like a party is not successful unless the police arrive— many weddings might not be successful unless some, if not all of these occur:

Someone in the wedding party must faint…
Someone in our wedding party nearly fainted, but I must admit that I was the one who had the fainting spell at my sister's wedding. I must have locked my knees because I started feeling dizzy half way through the ceremony. I had the frame of mind to step off the stage and sit down. Unfortunately I missed the breaking of the glass, but at least I didn't fall down.
Someones always late…
I know that everyone seemed to show up on time for our wedding, but I have heard that loud click of the door when someone was trying to sneak into the church.
The photographer does something stupid…
Yes I know that photographing the moment is important— but why then do you have to have your gigantic tripod blocking the aisle.
You never can find "so and so" for the family photo…
Enough said.
There's always some obnoxious drunk relative at the reception…
Given that many weddings do not have alcohol this may not always be the case— so just an obnoxious relative will do here as well.
The DJ or band fails miserably…
I have seen many a wedding where the DC decides they are done for the evening and leave early. I have seen other times when you request a song and they never play it. One would think that if they have it in their repetoir and you are the groom that they should honor that request.
Someone gets hurt on the dance floor…
I wouldn't say that I actually got hurt, but I did rip my shoes at my Step-son's wedding this past September because I was sliding across the dance floor on my knees. I'll save that story about our dance floor for another post.
There's something wrong with the cake…
Our wedding cake was so delicious that the staff decided to serve the topper. We spent a good hour the next morning looking through the kitchen to see where they may have kept the top of the cake— but later found out that it all was served. Oh well, there probably wasn't room in our freezer anyway.
There's never enough coffee…
I just hate it when the wait staff decides that everybody gets just one cup with the cake and then disappear. I threatened that I would bring my own pot and start brewing at the head table if that happened at ours.

I'm sure there are others that I may have forgotten about. Feel free to write about them yourself and let Supermommy know at Three Boys One Mommy by linking up.


Melanie Jacobson said...

Another one I see a lot is little kids running around being super obnoxious. Their parents' think it's really cute and everyone else finds it very annoying. My bridesmaid's little girl ran out in front of the audience during my ring ceremony and was doing all these poses. Her mom just laughed. I didn't find it so funny. I was like, "Uh, can you tell your kid to go sit down?"

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

What a cute meme! I must say that the only thing that happened at our wedding was that we had torrential downpours...and it was an outdoor reception. But it stopped raining by the time we got there from the church and the rest of the night was PERFECT!

Anonymous said...

This was a fun meme!
We had two issues, the dj and the cake. The dj didn't fail to play a song, he played two songs I seriously wish he would not have. Especially since we requested safe stuff like Frank Sinatra, Michael Buble-ish, Norah Jones-esque stuff since most of our guests were over 40. When a friend's wife requested a spice girls went downhill from there.
I didn't like our cake. At All. It wasn't what I requested or asked for (rolled fondant frosting it was not) and was all white with no color. But a friend of my mil's made it. So I just ate it anyway.

SweetPeaSurry said...

I haven't had a wedding. I've attended several, and I say ... I probably should have fainted (read: passed out) at my friend's in Florida. Luckily she's now divorced and all video footage has been destroyed.

The Blonde Duck said...

Thanks for reading my post at Venus vs. Mars! I have a co-worker who hangs out with all my girl co-workers and I. I think, like you, he relates to women better!

ToonEy said...

What about the chick that always dancing every dance and never stops even all of the dancers have quit and she's the only one out there (me at your step-son's wedding). ;P

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