Friday, April 24, 2009

F2: Fallen Star

Welcome again to Friday's Feast. Today I'll be talking about a restaurant. If you don't know what Friday's Feast is all about, please read the Friday's Feast page for a more detailed explanation. If you want to join in on the feast, click on Mr. Linky below then leave a comment so I and others can know of your contribution.

Participants in this weeks Feast are as follows:

Recently my wife and I took a trip up to Milwaukee for the day. There is a restaurant on the drive up that we always stop at called the Star Restaurant. Much to our surprise the restaurant was closed. We probably should have suspected something was up when the resturant wasn't listed on the exit sign.

The Star is one of those restaurants that has been around a very long time. My wife indicated that she always ate at the restaurant with her mother and her aunt as a child when they used to go up to Milwaukee at Christmas time. We also kidnapped our youngest grandchild one Saturday afternoon to go to Mars Cheese Factory (which is across the street) and ate at the Star. There have been four generations in her family who have eaten there… and now it's gone.

It must not have been closed long since they had a sign which advertised that they have been in business for 70 years. It's an awful tragedy to have something that was such a tradition now no longer a part of our lives. We now have to rethink where we are going to stop to eat on our trips up to Milwaukee.


Anonymous said...

It's tough to see places like that go under. Someplace that's been a tradition or a wonderful memory.
As a child we always went to Chapter Eleven a prime rib place and we must have eaten there nearly once a week from the time I could chew meat until I left home at 18. They had these huge heavy cutting boards as their menu's. It closed a few years after I left for college and I was so sad. I have yet to find a restaurant that has prime rib or a mud pie dessert that compares.

Erin said...

That is so sad! I love restaurants that are owned by families, and you can tell they love what they do. When they lose out to the "big guys," it just makes me sad.

Does my tomato plant count as a Friday Feast? I'm going to use the Mr. Linky, but if you feel like it doesn't count, go ahead and delete me!

Goob said...

Oh, that is sad. I suppose now it will be time to find a new tradition, but it will probably take some time to find just the right place.

LissaL said...

It is sad to see our favorite places close. Where my husband & I met, went on our first date and both schools (elementary-high school) have been torn down and re built. His family's marina was bought out and torn down and replaced by condos. It's just like a part of our history just disappears.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

It's always sad to see a family enterprise that has long served it's community shut it's doors. I would much rather enjoy a meal at a "mom and pop shop" than any fancy eatery.

Deb said...

oh that's a shame! i guess you'll have to fill up on cheese.

Femin Susan said...

That's sad. i hope you had to fill up on cheese.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Okay, so I just realized I didn't link up to my actual post, just my blog. I'll see if I can figure out how to unlink and relink.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Okay, I just relinked, but couldn't figure out how to undo my first link.

I'm sorry about your fallen star. I hate that.

A moment of silence.

And now a poke in the eye for progress.

Debbie said...

So many businesses that have been institutions are going under. It is a very sad time indeed.

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