Monday, February 16, 2009

Looking for Love in all the wrong places

I still haven't found what I'm looking for

I have seen several posts recently where people list all the crazy search terms that people use to find their blog. Unfortunately I don't have any of those— but I can admit that I have seen some other interesting things.

One interesting thing that I have seen is that many of my post titles exactly match the search term. Who in their right mind would think of searching for something as precise as "traditional letter writing". However, this is not where the interest ends. I have noticed that ever since I posted my poem ascii love, the term "ascii love" has been searched for at least 18 times:

But wait— it gets weirder…

If you look closer at the country of origin for all these searches it is clear that they are not from my country of origin. It makes me wonder… who are these people— and why are they all looking for ascii love?? I can understand England— but some of the other countries just don't make sense.

My guess is that they are actually looking for Muskrat Love— but their keyboard translation doesn't work and it winds up being ascii love instead. I just don't believe that my Sphere of Influence is that strong in that my work is secretly being passed around the globe— (hey, have you seen Ca-Joh's poem of the word love spelled at an angle…).

Someone mentioned to me that perhaps it is the Google Police checking up on me (oh how thoughtful) and it's their global agents at work keeping me in "check"— Nah… but then again….


Anonymous said...

Google Police, that's a good one.
I recently discovered how to find out things like this for my own blog. Some of the things people search for and then find me.. completely bizarre.

But I wouldn't discount that Google Police thing, you never know!

Wendyburd1 said...

i have no idea how to do this

Anonymous said...

That is so interesting but I'm clueless on how to do it. Perhaps you would like to teach us?

Kristen said...

You have the most interesting posts!
I found your love poem and that is way cool!

Lori said...

You must be really important if the google police are looking for I don't have a clue how to do this search thing...I have read others too that wrote about what search terms were used to find them...interesting but haven't a clue how to do it.

Barbaloot said...

I've never understood how people can figure out the searched others use to find them... That being said, I haven't looked up ascii love since you blogged about it---but I did enjoy the post on it:)

Erin said...

That is really strange. Whenever people find me via a Google search, it is never through a complete sentence. It's always some weird random grouping of words.

Deb said...

i know i have been telling everyone i can about it. guess the word is spreading. ; )

kel said...

I want to know how to do that!!!

The Wife O Riley said...

There has been some weird ones that came up on mine. Something about Grandparent sex caught my eye. I'm not quite sure what I inadvertently posted about, but I'm sure the searcher was disappointed.

MakingChanges said...

I wonder what people do all day that they can just type in randomness in Google and somehow it hits the blogworld. I have had to giggle at some of my hits.

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