Saturday, February 14, 2009

How I met my wife

Being that it is Valentine's day I thought I would tell the story of how I met my wife:

I met my wife on a Sunday. That day I did not actually meet her until coffee hour when I brought some spinach dip… and may have been explaining to someone how I made it when she was in line for coffee. Being the recruiter that I am I always sit with new visitors who come to church— she was no exception. Interestingly we wound up talking about a lot of things. It seems that she went to a wedding the night before and was talking about how she liked to dance. I also found out that she sang in her church choir— and was visiting because of a former member who recently joined our choir asked her to come.

We talked and talked and eventually felt like we should go because everybody else left— but felt that we shouldn't end the discussion so abruptly. So we went over to Zephers and had breakfast together and finished our conversation.

After breakfast I walked her back to her car. We exchanged phone numbers and said we would try and get together some time.

I never quite remember if I called her that week— but we obviously did get together. At the time I felt that she was a very interesting person and at least I could have a dancing partner.

Looking back on the day— I never realized that our conversation would eventually lead to what it has become today.


Wendyburd1 said...

Awww but one thing Chris..."At the time I felt that she was a very interesting person" the time?! I sure hope she is still interesting! ROFL!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's the chance meeting that changes our lives. Makes you feel glad for the small things like a coffee line.

B said...

I'm thinking that your wife is a lucky gal for having a husband like you. It's sweet you shared this with us.

Anonymous said...

It was meant to be!

Lori said...

That is a sweet story. Do you and your wife still dance?

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Thanks for sharing your story!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Joanie said...

I love "how we met" stories! Thanks for sharing yours.

Llama Wanderings said...

Thanks for sharing your how we met story. I love to hear these, proposal stories, and wedding stories.

Happy Valentine's Day to you both!

Melanie Jacobson said...

Awwww...that's sweet!

Deb said...

sometimes things just click! i hope you DID call her that week!! let's just assume you did.

Anonymous said...

Very sweet, thanks for sharing.

Aracely said...

I met my husband in church too. Thanks for sharing CJ. I hope you guys enjoy your Valentines day.

M@who said...

Happy Valentine's Day guys, hope you enjoyed the crab as much as we do.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Now that's just sweet! New to your blog! See your witty comments left around Blogland at many of my favorite haunts. Thought I would scooty on over and check out the goods! I I'm stayin'!

and yeah...what's the deal with only being able to follow 200 blogs??? Are they nuts? I have only been blogging for just over a month and already follow over 100!!! Yikes!

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