Monday, February 9, 2009

HBSB-Vote for CaJoh

No, don't vote for Pedro— vote for me…

OK… for those who are unfamiliar with what I just wrote as a title for this post— a little background is in order:

There is a blog feature called "He Blogs, She Blogs" that was started by Heinous @ Irregularly Periodic Ruminations, and Petra @ The Wise (*Young*) Mommy where people submit questions and they both give their unique take on the questions independently. Well it appears that Heinous is on sabbatical for a while and Petra asked for volunteers to fill in until he returns. Since I like a challenge I figured I would toss my hat into the ring and submit my take on some questions. Since I am the first to finish my questions (that's what I get for being prompt) I am one of the first to be featured… papa I'm scared.

All the same… I am one of the guests being "He" today— so stop by The Wise (*Young*) Mommy and check it out. And… if you like what you read and want me to be the "He" in the He Blogs, She Blogs feature— be sure to vote. Voting will commence on Thursday to give the other participants a chance to have their say. Enjoy,


angi_b72 said...

I will go check it out...and I will most certainly vote for you!

I made your chili recipe over the weekedn!! Yum!! I added a few things of my own to it, some hamburg, Chlli-o seasoning...but it was the best chili i have ever made!! Thanks!!

Joanie said...

I read your answers and you did a great job! Good luck to you!!

Anonymous said...

I just read your post. Good job! Very interesting...and good for you for volunteering.

Barbaloot said...

I'm on my way to check it out!

IB said...

Hi Cajoh,

I just read your submission; nice work. I like your style.

Good luck!


kel said...

On my way to check it out!!!

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

Nice work there Sir. Best wishes to you in this quest.

Erin said...

I'm on my way over right now.

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

Awesome job, my friend. May the force be with you. (and the votes)

The Panic Room said...

Nice entry. And good for you for being first. This has all been loads of fun.

Mama Wheaton said...

Just rad your entries. You did a great job. Nice commentary about sex.

Debbie said...

That sounds great. I do read that and you would be a fascinating switch from Heinous.

Deb said...

i had never been over to that blog until today! you seem to be dipping your toes into some raucous waters! i didn't see where you could vote, so maybe it's not up yet? you will need to let me know when it is, so i can go vote (for you, of course).

B said...

Awesome, I can't wait to check it out. Gotta run, you've got me tempted.

Melanie Jacobson said...

I'm headed over right now!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

You are so awesome. I'll totally vote for you.

Loving all your witty but wise comments in my comment box too.

Hey, did you get my emails? Just wondering because I sent them from my real email address so you may not have recognized me. Crash is my undercover identity.

Ron said...

good answers today... I'm more nervous now than when this all started.

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