Thursday, January 15, 2009

Writers Workshop: Profound Innocence

With prompting from Mamma Kat… I have decided to go with the following:
1.) Describe your significant other's most attractive quality (on the inside)

I don't know what it is about my wife— but there are times that she can make a statement about something that is apparently obvious that I find most endearing. Every now and then I hear her exclaim things like: "I have feet!"… or even: "I'm moving without moving!". It is not so much the statement itself— but the conviction that she uses when she says them that I find so great. It's as if she discovered something for the first time and needs to exclaim it to the world to make sure that they know that she knows.

The statements themselves are innocent enough… but then you realize just how profound she can be without even trying. This profound innocence is something that shows the depth and beauty of her that I always found fascinating to which I cannot help but smile every time she does.


Kristen said...

How sweet and thoughtful you are to notice the little things about her.
Sometimes I just watch Mr. C and smile. He may catch me and say what are you smiling at? I just say I enjoy watching you be you!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

You are such a nice hubby. I dont know if my Hubby notices anything anymore, lol.

B said...

That is sweet. What a great writing prompt, and you couldn't have pulled it off any better.

Anonymous said...

You know what? She sounds completely adorable and you're obviously a big sweetie!

Sarah's Blogtastic Adventures said...

That was lovely.

KatieZ said...

Great job! It's so neat that you know WHO she is, and WHAT she is about! Most guys would look at her with that RCA dog look, and say "huh?"!

Cute post!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh that is just too cute that now I want to go cry somewhere.


Deb said...

i think people like your wife can have the biggest impact on people. what a gift she is. you're lucky and it sounds like you know it.

you two sound blissfully happy. yay!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute! I love when people are so clearly in love. Congratulations ...

Ron said...

profound innocence almost goes together with the warm milk... subtle but effective.

kel said...

She sounds like such a sweetheart!

trublubyu said...

it sounds like you notice and appreciate even the smallest things about your wife. she must be awesome. that is a great quality to have. it is so important to notice the small things.

Minxy Mimi said...

Thats awesome that you can appreciate such am interesting, random thing about her that makes her unique. You sound like a nice hubby!

Anonymous said...

I love this post. Whenever you write about your wife, I think this is the second post I have read of yours where you talk about her, you can tell how in sync you guys are. What a gift to have found your match....I feel lucky for mine too..

Happy weekend.


KatBouska said...

Awww...I love that you picked something that by be missed or overlooked by somebody else. SO sweet!

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