Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mouseketeer Blog-Roll Call

Lately I have been doing some cleaning and have been trying to keep my blog-rolls up to date. I have noticed that some of the links go to non-existent sites and/or privatized blogs. If you are a regular reader, most likely I read you as well and have placed your blog in one of my blog-rolls.

I know that a lot of people read blogs through a reader— so if you do, please stop by and check to see if your blog address is correct. Please leave a comment and let me know that you are listed correctly. If for some reason I neglected to list your blog, please let me know as well. I certainly do not want to leave anybody in the lurch. Oh, and here's a great opportunity for you lurkers to make your blogs known to others as well— so don't be shy.

Thank you,

To hear what I'm thinking… read my blog:


Erin said...

I'm still here, just so you know. And I still love reading your posts.

Liz Mays said...

*raising hand* Here!

Deb said...

yes, i am here, too. i actually stopped by to read about the pumpkin pirate and then got sidetracked and minimized your page and then promptly forgot about it for a few days. if you use any tracking thing, you might just think i am stalking you.

Anonymous said...

Blooger's been kicking out my links but all okay now. Was wondering where you got to...

Little Ms Blogger said...

Yup. Still here and working properly. :-)

I haven't had that problem, but noticed a lot of bloggers have just stopped. Have you noticed that?

Mike said...

I have just about lost it! LOL I don't know what is what anymore!

Anonymous said...

Mine seems to be fine. (thumbs up)

Wendyburd1 said...

I am listen correctly!! Hey what is that cool gadget that shows a tiny picture window of the blogs??

Camille said...

You have left me shamefully out. : | I read you from Google Reader and don't comment often, but I do read every post.

Cajoh said...

@Little Ms Blogger: I agree— in fact one of my followers has gone private and out of respect, I removed their listing. I'll have to adjust my entry about them in my Tuesday's Tribute as well.

@Wendyburd1: The service is SnapShots. I originally saw it on a Wordpress blog, but realized I could have it on my blogger one as well. I have to figure out how to turn it off on some areas I don't want it.

@Camille: I now realize that I haven't been keeping up my "Other Blogs I follow" blog roll either. I have placed you in. Note: that one is listed by post date so if you posted recently, you should show up near the top.

Thank you all for letting me know that you are still here.

Anonymous said...

I have been bad about commenting lately, but reading. And I have the honor of being on your list and the link works just fine!

Rochelle said...

Please add me :)

HeaRty's Haven - http://www.rochellesychua.com


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