In honor of Otin's Rhyming Wednesday I am contributing one of my poems inspired by a picture.
One day when I was doodling topographical lines in the shape of an island (yes, I'm geeky like that)… I noticed that the lines resembled a face. After drawing one of the eyes in, I noticed that there was another face showing as well. When I was finished… I had the following picture:

If you look at the picture it looks like there is a sinister face that is making the other face recoil in fear. After looking at this picture, I was inspired to write the following poem:
Fear… of what may I ask?
of being in or out of task;
or being with or without pass.
Passing through the door of fear
is like passing into another world;
it can be so strange at times to make you curled.
Curled up so much, that only you can see your fears
others try, but can only guess at where.
Where, it's only possibly yourself.
So get going, get out of the grip of fear;
which may last for years
And years.
I rather like the way in which I take the last line of the previous phrase and use it in the next line. I have used this technique in future poems that I have written as well. I do not think that any of my other poems are inspired by a drawing or photo. Perhaps I should do this type of poem more often.
Very cool picture and great poem!!
Very cool picture and great poem!!
Ca-Joh, I do not not seek the inspiration. It justs hits me...sometimes rather hard. As I carry a note book and pen while driving( well, in the car...oh you know), I've been known to pull over and just start writing, lest the idea escape me. That can be fearful...and you do bring some very good points to this. Nicely done :)
That was so interesting. I can definitely see the faces in the picture. I liked the poem too.
I have fear issues! I hate fear!
You should try some more, because this obviously worked.
You are as always an interesting fellow Mr. Ca-Joh. Nice pic and poem.
Well done! I really like the idea from which the doodle started.
"Passing through the door of fear
is like passing into another world;"
This is very true!
This made me cry so it makes it good
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